Chapter 4.9 – Like Father, Like Son

Brené looked on as Dexter smiled at his birthday cake. She put her hand on her hips and asked, “Well, I’m not getting any younger! Are you going to blow out these candles any time soon?”

Dexter looked up in thought, trying to think of what to wish for. “Gran Gran, I just need to think of a good wish!”
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Once Dex had come up with something good, he walked over to the other side of the counter and stared intently at the flames of the candles before him. Today he would be aging up, getting a new trait, facing new sets of challenges, and learning more about what he wants out of his life.

“Woo! Dexter!” Brené hollered in the kitchen, celebrating with her eldest grandson. She didn’t know how many more birthdays she would get to celebrate with him.

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I want to be even more like my father! Dexter wished, blowing out the candles with all of his might.

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“Woah! I forgot how intense spinning up into the next age category is!” Dexter said, throwing his hand out to his side to catch his balance when he almost fell as he walked toward his Gran Gran.

“Careful now, people might think you’ve gained the clumsy trait!” Brené said, chuckling.

Dexter did not gain the clumsy trait. In fact, his wish to be more like his father came true and he picked up the Loves the Outdoors trait. Thankfully he didn’t pick up the mean trait!

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“Let’s take a selfie for SimBook! Now that I can set one up, I want a profile picture of me and you.” Dexter suggested, and of course Bren obliged with a smile.

Brené was amazed at just how much Dexter was like his father. Aside from the blonde hair and blue eyes, they were practically twins. She silently hoped that he would not grow up to be mean-spirited like his father, but knew deep down that just like she loved Leland, she would love Dexter and all of her family members unconditionally.

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